Great excitement. After ongoing problems with the necessary account, amazon uk seem to have got their act together to give me the access I need to install the search inside feature on The Girl on the Swing. For those unfamiliar with it, this is a fairly recent development on amazon which allows the prospective customer to open and read part of a virtual copy of a book. For debut novelists it's likely to make a big difference. Even if you refer to a web page with the first chapter or 2 on,chances are readers will hesitate at having to go offsite to read something when they can read other books at the click of a button. It's especially good for illustrated books because you can see the content on each page exactly as it appears in the print version.
Now I just have to get my head round the file upload and get it submitted satisfactorily and quickly in case they think of suspending my account for slow response again!
Now I just have to get my head round the file upload and get it submitted satisfactorily and quickly in case they think of suspending my account for slow response again!